"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
So says
the infamous bronze plaque
mounted inside the pedestal of the Statute of Liberty, that great American icon
situated prominently on a small island in the middle of New York harbor. The
United States of America in the early 1900’s was still largely a nation of like
immigrants ever since colonial times.
They came
mostly from Europe. Many sought political and religious freedom. Others came
for better economic opportunities, and some were fleeing extreme poverty and
famine in their home countries. Most of them were indeed the wretched refuse of
their teeming shores, tired, poor huddled masses of humanity yearning to breathe free.
It wasn’t
easy for these determined people to become Americans and eventually live the
American dream. There were plenty of hardships. They endured vicious
discrimination from the earlier inhabitants. They often lived in abject squalor
housed in slums and tiny tenements. They were offered only the lowest of
employment opportunities with the lowest wages.
There was
no government welfare then. New immigrants were either on their own or had to
depend on each other in those days. But through it all the vast majority of
them pulled themselves out of poverty by means of sheer dogged perseverance,
determination and hard work.
That was
then, and this is now. America the land of liberty is becoming America the
liberty landfill. Yes, the poor tired huddled masses; the wretched and homeless
refuse of other nations are still coming in droves, just like always, but now they
aren’t so much yearning to breathe free, as satisfied to become dependent upon
the American government and the seemingly endless largess of taxpaying American
right. About half of all new immigrants and immigrant households in America today
are receiving welfare
in one form or another. Of those
immigrants from our neighbors to the south, 73% from Mexico and Central America
are on welfare.
immigrants rely upon welfare at far higher rates than the American born
population. And instead of relying upon each other for help, as they were
inclined to do in former times, these new immigrants, many of whom are woefully
uneducated, are actually helping each other take advantage of our welfare
Trump was right when he said that Mexico was not exactly sending its best people
across our southern border. Most of them are here to collect welfare.
Consequently, America is fast becoming a dumping ground – a liberty landfill.
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