Conventional collectivist created authority is a deception in consciousness. You are your own Authority!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rick Santorum: Mr. Biblical for President, Part 2

My last post discussed the numerous reasons supporting my conclusion that Rick Santorum personifies the term “religious bigot, and why his criticism of President Obama for leading America based on a so-called theology different from that in the Bible, amounts to clear evidence of his own intent if elected president to govern us by his Catholic Biblical theology.

Today, I will demonstrate once and for all, from the candidates own mouth, the fundamental irrationality within the mind of Rick Santorum, Mr. Biblical, and why, if nominated by the Republican Party, Barrack Obama is virtually certain to win the general election.

When it comes to politics and government, Mr. Biblical tends to view the world in stark terms of black and white – good and evil. He actually believes that Satan has his sights on America and that his mission as president will be to lead our nation on a crusade of spiritual warfare.

Four years ago, in 2008, when he wasn’t running for any office, Mr. Biblical told a socially conservative Catholic audience at Florida’s Ave Maria University in so many words that president Obama's position on abortion was the work of Satan.

Quoting Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo, North Dakota, he argued: “Catholics who support so-called ‘abortion rights’ support a false right, promote a culture of death and are guarded by the father of lies." Then he praised the bishop for pledging to deny communion to politicians who support abortion rights saying the matter went beyond politics and was a symptom of Satan’s reach in U.S. society.
"This is not a political war at all, this is not a culture war at all, this is a spiritual war," declared Mr. Biblical. "And the father of lies has his sights on what you think the father of lies, Satan, would have his sights on -- A good, decent, powerful, influential country, the United States of America."
"If you were Satan, who would you attack?" he continued. "There's no one else to go after other than the United States, and that's been the case, for now, almost 200 years."

Then Mr. Biblical described in detail how the devil has attacked the United States in several areas: its foundations, academia, the Protestant Church and government.

Satan attacks us as a nation, and our great institutions, "using those great vices of pride, vanity and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition," First, Satan successfully, attacked academia.  After academia fell to pride and its own truths, the Protestant Church fell next in the United States, according to Mr. Biblical.

"We look at the shape of mainline Protestantism in this country, and it is in shambles, it is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it," insisted the Catholic, Mr. Biblical, against his fellow Protestant Christians.

Next, he denounced American culture; the National Basketball Association, for example, along with rock concerts and movies. "They are peacocks on display, and they have taken their poor behavior and made it fashionable," all of which is just more evidence of spiritual warfare.

Politics and government have also “fallen to Satan,” insists Mr. Biblical, referring to then presidential candidate Barrack Obama’s position on abortion and a response he made during an interview in 2004 on the question of “What is sin?” "Being out of alignment with my values," Obama replied.

"So now we have the first truly post-modern presidential candidate. Clearly, explicitly defining his own reality," huffed Mr. Biblical.

"I’m a person of faith. I believe in good and evil," Mr. Biblical told CNN in Arizona this week regarding his Ave Maria University speech. "If somehow or another because you’re a person of faith and you believe in good and evil is a disqualifier for president, we’re going to have a very small pool of candidates who can run for president," he insisted.

Oh, I don’t think so, Mr. Biblical. Most if not all of the candidates would describe themselves as person’s of faith and believers in the concept of good and evil, but I seriously doubt that they would make a public speech attributing all of America’s ills to the work of Satan and vowing to enter America into a state of spiritual warfare. Sure, the Bible thumpers love it but most rational people would be appalled.

"If Rick Santorum is the commander in chief, he will do what no other president has had the courage to do: declare war on hell,” joked Stephen Colbert on his comedy show. "It's simple: All we have to do is take our nuclear missiles out of their silos and put them back in upside-down."

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