Conventional collectivist created authority is a deception in consciousness. You are your own Authority!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Putin’s epiphany

12/11/10: MOSCOW (AFP) – “Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Thursday led growing support from some world leaders for the beleaguered WikiLeaks founder, describing his detention in Britain as "undemocratic…Putin railed against the detention of the 39-year-old Assange, the Australian founder of the website which has been releasing thousands of secret US diplomatic cables as well as Pentagon communiqués...” “Why was Mr. Assange hidden in jail? Is that democracy? As we say in the village: the pot is calling the kettle black," Putin said.”

Well how about that? The former Soviet KGB collectivist goon Authority! has found democracy, and there is even more democracy and freedom in Russia today then there is in the West according to comrade Putin. Does this mean that freedom is improving in the East, or declining in the West?

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